
Showing posts from June, 2022


Good afternoon everyone and welcome to the next episode of business on chai.   As usual Ameet Parekh will discuss something that will help you build a more profitable and scalable business.   And today we will talk about something that is a pain in almost all business owner’s life   People Come And Then They Leave   And you are hung out for dry   And Ameet Parekh will try to understand why that happens   So Here Are The Top Reasons Why People Leave From Any Business     #1) Handling Too Many Responsibilities   now here is one of the big reasons why people leave   because they are given too many responsibilities to take care of   now I know this is something many of us have been told that you should be good at multitasking but when it comes to professional tasks   Any Employee Handling More Than 4 Responsibilities Will Always Lead To Disaster in Their Job Role   and this...


Many business owners are constantly facing challenges in their business. They are always facing some kind of problem or another, because of which they are continuously firefighting, and are always in a survival mode. Today Ameet Parekh will deconstruct the reasons that contribute to these business challenges. 1.      Unscalable business model: One of the rookie mistakes most business owners make is that they just what to start a business. And so, they simply start off with a product or a service. But this blind approach to starting a business eventually ends up hurting them, as they do not analyze whether the marketing in which they are doing business has any scope of growth or not, not analyzing whether that market is big enough to scale, not analyzing whether the product or service they are selling has enough demand to control pricing.   Only when you have analyzed the above factors will you get clarity on creating a business model which can grow ...


One of the most crucial parameters to track in business is growth. And today, Ameet Parekh will demystify an extremely scientific approach of hacking growth for your business in a very short period of time. Growth hacking is essentially series of actions that you take in almost every area of your business in order to fast-track your timeline to achieve your business goals. So let’s understand what are the parameters you need to focus on as a business owner to successfully implement growth hacking in your business.   Parameter #1: Constantly Working On Innovation This is essentially the foundation for any growth hacking activity in a business. All businesses that have achieved exponential growth by applying growth hacking had innovation as a centre of their strategy. Now when I say innovation I know you might get confused that what should I innovate. So let’s understand what are the areas where you can apply innovation in your business.   1.   ...