Most often business owners are confused where should they channelize their money within their business to maximize returns.

And today, Ameet Parekh’s reviews will help make you understand the exact areas where you as a business owner need to look at investing your time, effort and money so that you are building a business that generates massive wealth, and eventually functions without you.

Area #1: Investing in the right people:

Most often business owners forget that business is not a solo game. It’s when people come together for a shared vision and a mission. This is when you actually start functioning like a business.

So investing in getting the right people to handle different tasks and activities is one that will always pay you well.

I’ve seen many solopreneurs not taking a decision to hire people because they want to save cost and I’ve also seen many business owners who have team but they’ve been looking for cheap talent.

You have to understand 1 thing very clearly. There is a formula that I always believed in which is very simple. You build people, people will build your business.

So you need to understand that as a business owner it is essential to invest in hiring good people who have the right capability to perform certain tasks and activities in your business, so that you can eventually focus on growth and expansion.

I always tell business owners, if you feel hiring is an expense, not hiring is more expensive.

Area # 2: Proactively marketing:

The harsh reality of majority small and medium sized businesses is, most of them rely on their business to run and grow through word of mouth. None of them have a proactive strategy for marketing, promoting, or advertising their products or services in order to create a pipeline to consistently acquire new customers.

Gone are the days when simply having a good product or a service would get you business. In today’s world, having an excellent product or a service is fundamental for you to even exist in the business. SO the next area of investment that a business owner must and must and must focus on is new marketing strategies to consistently acquire new customers.

Area # 3: Leveraging technology:

One of the biggest accelerators that has shaped in the 21st century for businesses has been technology.

Unfortunately, many small and medium businesses are still completely alien to using told and technologies and create ease of executing processes and driving better results.

One thing that I wanted to understand here is, investing in tools and technologies does not mean you will not need people, or team. It essentially means that you have technology or tools which become enablers in making a certain process easy for your people and in helping you drive better outcome in less time.

So as a business owner, you must focus on looking at technologies to handle clients like CRM systems, looking at technologies or tools to manage business solutions like ERP solutions. And when you are operating at a very high scale, you can also have tools and technologies to manage your marketing and sales pipeline, like Hubspot or sales force.

Integrating technology helps you acquire faster results in less time, andalso technology helps you reduce errors which might happen whenever everything is happening manually.

SO you must invest in tools and technologies in order to have better processes and better outcomes.

Area # 4: Investing in training:

This is one area where majority of entrepreneurs are culprit of not being proactive. Many of them don’t even agree that this is a necessity.

Learning is one area which I believe no entrepreneur must ever stop.

Because you have to understand every next level of growth that you want to achieve in your business will require a whole new level of capabilities, which means, you can’tmake 100 crores a year by doing what you were doing to make 10 crores. In order to jump from a 10 crore company to a 100 crore company will require whole new level of capabilities in you and your team in order to achieve those results.

Ameet Parekhwant you to understand this that building capabilities builds your business.

Many people feel building and growing a business is a game of money. But let me ask you a question. If you meet an entrepreneur who is struggling in their business, does not know how to build team, does not know how to build systems, does not know how to build strategies, and you give him more money, because he or she feels that by getting more money they will be able to grow. Do you think such an entrepreneur would be able to grow a business, or will they deplete the money because he or she does not have the right capabilities to run ad and scale a business.

So please mark Ameet Parekh’s reviews. Business is a game of capabilities. And as a business owner, you must consistently invest in learning so that you can grow and scale your business consistently.


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